Here are some helpful cleaning tips we hope you will find useful.

Cleaning Carpet

1. Shampoo Spill

Shampoos work wonders at cleaning carpet stains and other problems. If you happen to spill shampoo on your carpet, all you need to remove it is a cloth and some water. First clean up as much of the stain as you can with the cloth. When all of the visible shampoo is lifted, blot with a damp sponge until all of the soap is gone. The spot you just finished cleaning probably looks so good, you'll want to do your whole carpet!

2. Gasoline Stain

Spilled gasoline can certainly make cleaning carpet stains a challenge. Remove stain immediately, blot until as much of the stain is lifted as possible. Once all of the gas has been blotted, cover the stain with baking soda. This will not only absorb the gas, but the smell as well. Leave for a couple of hours, or even over night. First try vinegar, which will also remove any lingering smell. Blot until the stain is lifted. A mild dish washing liquid should work much in the same manner. Once the stain is lifted, blot again with a damp sponge.

3. Oatmeal Carpet Freshener

After you're done with cleaning carpet, it's time to freshen and remove odors. This can be done by sprinkling oat meal around the room. Allow to sit for thirty to sixty minutes and vacuum. The odors should be absorbed.

4. Vomit Stain and Odor Removal from Carpet

To remove carpet stains and odor such as those made by vomit, the newest technology uses peroxide and detergents to penetrate the soiled area to remove the stain and deactivate the odor. If the stain or odor persists, repeat the process. You can also try saturating the area with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Let it sit for a few minutes. Then, using a clean white absorbent cloth, blot the area, pressing down firmly (do not rub) for 30 seconds. Repeat this blotting process until the area is dry. If the stain or odor persists, repeat the process. Another option for cleaning carpet stains is baking soda, which can be used to eliminate surface (but not deeply penetrated) odors. Dampen the area with clean water and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Rub the baking soda into the soiled area and let dry; brush or vacuum to remove the dry material.  

5. Repairing Dents in Carpets

When it's cleaning carpet time and you move your furniture around, you may find you're left with dents in the carpet. These are easy enough to remove, however. Place an ice cube in each furniture dent and let it melt. Once it dries, run a vacuum over the area and voila! No more dent!  

6. Gum Removal from Carpet

Gum on the carpet can leave behind a sticky, gooey mess! Don’t panic if you have to remove carpet stains made by gum, however. It's quite easy. Spray the area with WD-40, or smear with peanut butter and the gum will come right out. There may be a spot left behind from the dye in the gum. Cleaning carpet stains such as this is easy too. All you have to do is blot with a little club soda. No one will ever have to know!  

7. Rust Stain Removal from Carpet

It's important to keep the area around metal furniture legs dry. If not, we might end up with rust stains on our carpets. These unsightly orange stains can set in and become a permanent part of the décor if we don't act quickly enough. It's best to act immediately upon seeing the stain. To remove carpet stains caused by rust, it's best to use an acid-based cleaner. Vinegar and lemon juice work well for this task because they're both contain acids. A cleaner containing oxalic acid will also work at cleaning carpet stains such as rust.

8. Protecting Furniture During Carpet Cleaning

Here's a household hint. Before cleaning carpet stains with a steam cleaner, slip plastic baggies over your furniture legs. This will not only protect your furniture legs from the steam cleaner, it will also protect your carpet from stains caused by rusty metal chair legs.

9. Oil Stain Removal from Carpet

To remove carpet stains that contain oil, you'll first need to absorb the oil. Baking soda and corn starch work best, but talcum powders also can do the trick. First sprinkle the powder liberally onto the stain and leave overnight. The next day, vacuum the powder. If there's still some discoloration left behind, try blotting the stain with a mild dish washing liquid or laundry detergent formulated to cut oil and grease. Once the stain is lifted, blot again with a clean damp sponge or cloth.

10. Honey/ Syrup Removal from Carpet

If dropped on the floor, pancake syrup can make a sticky mess. It can be even messier if it gets embedded into your carpet fibers. When cleaning carpet stains consisting of pancake syrup, make up a solution of one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid to one teaspoon of warm water. Pour this into a spray bottle and blot to remove carpet stains. Blot again with clean water to remove any sticky, soapy residue from the carpet.  

11. Grease Stain Removal from Carpet

Try this tip when cleaning carpet stains: Apply a generous layer of baking soda or cornstarch to greasy spots and leave overnight. After vacuuming, the grease should be absorbed. If there is any residue or discoloration left behind, blot with vinegar until the stain is lifted. A dishwashing liquid or detergent specializing in removing grease will also remove carpet stains that are greasy. Make a solution of half detergent and half water and spray directly onto the stain. Blot until the stain is removed. Blot again with a damp sponge to rinse.

12. Homemade Vacuum Extension

Here's a cleaning carpet tips: If you need a little more reach on your vacuum cleaner hose attachment, try affixing a cardboard tube such as one that holds wrapping paper. The tube can even be smooched down flat to get into tight spots.

13. Use Club Soda to Remove Carpet Stains

The key to cleaning carpet stains is to act immediately. The longer you wait to remove carpet stains, the more time the stain has to set. Take a clean, dry cloth and blot until no more of the stain can be lifted. Next, pour club soda on the cloth and blot until the stain is completely removed. Always blot the stain. Vigorous rubbing can cause the stain to spread and that part of the carpet to become worn.

 14. Fruit Juice Stain Removal from Carpet

The tannins in fruit juice can make it difficult to remove carpet stains made up of fruit liquid. Club soda can help with this. Pour some directly on the carpet and blot. You can also try cleaning carpet with a solution of vinegar and a mild dishwashing liquid. Again, dab until the stain is removed. Blot again with a damp cloth to remove any residue.


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